Ida Lindballe Lønborg

In this paper we aim to identify and examine potential themes regarding how games convey their rules, goals, controls, and expectations for player behaviour through their design. As well as how the player is taught to apply this knowledge in practice.


Master’s Thesis 2020, MSc in GAMES

Grade: 12 (A)

Our results indicate that situations meant to teach or guide the player can be identified and

described through three interdependent central groups of themes nested within each other. At the core of these situations are the Learning Goals, which is the knowledge or skill that the player needs to gain. These Learning Goals can take on different forms and be taught through, for example, the game’s arrangement of space, its user interface, or through parasocial interactions. These different forms pertain to the group of themes called Format. The last central group of themes, Modifiers, describe common patterns of how Formats and Learning Goals can be designed.


Highlights of thesis:

Developing a Framework (p.50)

Applying the Framework (p.59)